

Volvo 244 Floppy Rear Axle Possible Worn Bushings



Volvo 244 Floppy Rear Axle Possible Worn Bushings

I just got done installing/upgrading my driveshaft's center support bearing mount to the 740 style. It uses a much stiffer mount and a custom bracket made and welded by Turbobricks member "Jao."

I thought this would fix my drivetr
ain movement issues I have been having but it looks like the rear axle movement is still just as bad. I had all bushings replaced with Volvo OE rubber 2 to 3 years ago but I guess something is worn out already.・・・続きはこちら⇒Volvo 244 Floppy Rear Axle Possible Worn Bushings

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ボルボ 244について【おしえてGoo!より】


回答:ボルボ850エステートに15年30万km乗っていました。 まだ後10万kmくらいは乗るつもりでしたが、もらい事故で全損 車は仕事で必須なので、ボルボの中古車をと思いましたが、これっという車...


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